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A Senior Research Analayst for a leading firm, with a focus on infrastructure management and virtualisation

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Sunny day in London, but a cloud in my heart

Today’s update is late, as I was speaking at an event today, the event went well, but looking at my scores some delegates were un-happy, and gave me one’s on their feedback form. These people really p*** me off, nobody, should score a one unless they really are a waste of space, but others gave me five out of five, if i did not meet thier expectations then they should learn to read. Why come to an ITSM presentation if you do not want to find out about it. However, I know who you are, so beware you may ask me to rate you………

I was positive until I saw the three or four duffers that scored me that way, but waiting here at Paddington stn I am sure I will bounce back.

WAN Optimisation.

Three aspects of managed services in this space to consider.

Keeping up with advancements in the technology and the network are the main reasons for using a managed service, it can also be cost effective in SMB or organisations that do not have the network skills in-house. Another reason for managed services is the ability to make the service subject to penalties so you can guarantee to users the level they need to operate the business, this obviously has the side-effect that you are not in control, but remain responsible for that level, the penalties would compensate you but may not help you keep your job.

Not every thing will benefit from WAN optimisation; it needs to demonstrate a clear increase in the service that is provided for the cost. For example VPNs do not benefit from WAN optimisation as much as some other traffic, so make sure you use the correct solution for the correct job. Also, data de-duplication is beginning to gain traction as, WAN optimisation will work, but if you are sending duplicate data you are not being as effective as you could be.

Not that my research has found, the managed services market is beginning to be seen as a good option for all industries, it is down to how much control the organisation wants/needs over the network, as a managed service is good but only as good as the contract you have and the provider.

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