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A Senior Research Analayst for a leading firm, with a focus on infrastructure management and virtualisation

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

What is Microsoft doing on the desktop

Another day working from home, today I am investigating ITIL v3.0 upgrade options for a customer who has FrontRange technologies deployed. I suspect this will take most of the day as the information will need to be collected and then combined in a written response. I much prefer to perform these subscriber enquires by doing a telephone call, as the question asked is not always exactly what they want answered.

SIMtone, have sent me a trial of their Virtual PC beta software to test, the only problem being the device has a US plug, so I need to buy a US to UK convertor first, as my convertors are all the other way, for obvious reasons. So any spare time will be spent setting that up.

Windows XP Service Pack 3

Windows Vista has received a bad press from the media and us analysts alike, the truth is that the number of deployments is increasing slowly, in-line with that of XP when it was launched. However, Microsoft by releasing XP SP3 are sending a very confusing message; on the one hand if SP3 was just bug fixes and security updates, then no body would argue, but by including NAP (Network Access Protection) in the release they are adding new functionality to a product they want people to migrate from.

The launch of Windows Server 2008 I believe will be the catalyst for Windows Vista migrations to accelerate in the corporate world: as Server 2008 and Vista are the same code base, and they have been designed so that deploying Server 2008 will make managing the desktop Vista client much easier. This I believe will be the big driver for organisations when they consider upgrading their server operating systems, which combining the desktop as well can yield management savings. However, only time will tell, but I for one am not writing Vista off just yet, although I am still on XP for all my work and home PCs.

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