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A Senior Research Analayst for a leading firm, with a focus on infrastructure management and virtualisation

Monday, 19 May 2008

Florida sunshine

Today I am in Orlando Fl at an analyst event, IBM Pulse. This meant flying out Sunday at 10.25 am, so effectively lost a day at the weekend. However, the plus factor is it is hot and sunny. The key note was delivered by Lance Armstrong, he presented a very though provoking message, some times things that may appear as bad luck, but if you look at things in a different way then things can be different.

IBM Pulse Service Management

The event has 4500 people and is the merger of three previous events, Netcool, Tivoli, and maximoworld. The message from IBM is that IT is the component that underpins every business process, and in fact impacts how and what we do today in terms of how organisations grow and become more profitable.

The message is very compelling; however, the tools and benefits all look great, but are the organisations ready for the shift that is needed to accommodate this new world. In my opinion some are, but most are not. Therefore, this vision will need the organisations to be guided through a transformation project and re-structuring. This is what IBM got into earlier, so as you can see this is a planned move, and looks like the correct strategy so that IBM becomes a leader in IT management in the next ten years.

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